5 Tips For Looking After Your Elderly Loved One

Aging is something that happens to everyone. It's a natural and normal part of life. Unfortunately, as people age, they may need more help. Here are some tips to help you look after your elderly loved ones: 1. Cook meals in advance. One way you can assist your elderly loved one is by preparing meals for them. Once a week, you can cook them a healthy, hot meal. Cook extra food so they have leftovers to eat the following day. [Read More]

Reduce Stress With These 5 Ways To Save On In-Home Elder Care

Being the primary caregiver for your older family member can be a stressful and expensive task. But you can lower the financial burden with these five top tips. 1. Determine Actual Need. Many people assume that all elder care needs are the same. But, in fact, each person's actual requirements vary. Take notes of the help you actually provide, the tasks that are the most challenging for your parent, and the times of day that seem to call for more or less attention. [Read More]

How to Balance Home Aides, Bathing & Retaining Your Modesty

If you are an older individual who has recently gone through surgery, then it may be necessary for you to receive home care services while you recover. If you have never received these services, then you should know that home health aides can assist you with many of the tasks that you cannot complete on your own yet. Cooking, cleaning, dressing, and picking up are completed by these professionals. Aides can also assist with bathing. [Read More]

3 Ways to Ease Moving Your Loved One into an Assisted Living Center

According to the National Center For Assisted Living (NCAL), the average stay at an assisted living facility is 22 months, followed by 60 percent moving onto a skilled nursing facility. Obviously, most assisted living residents are moving from their own personal residents, and the transition can be difficult, adding extra stress for everyone. Here are three tips to make the transition as smooth as possible for this potentially difficult time in life. [Read More]